THE THIRD DIMENSION AIRSIM TUTORIAL PART THREE. Luckily for you Atari and Amiga users,I have included the datafile of how things should look so far.You will find this on the disk. This month we want to add an effect that warns the helicopter that there is an enemy threat or danger etc. We will also create a simple helicopter that will attack us if it detects us and uses this effect. First create a helicopter made from a few pyramids etc. Next create some guns on the helicopter and make the guns into sensors by using the objects attributes buttons. The sensor settings for the helicopter guns are as follows- SOUND 4 RANGE 2000 SPEED 60 PROC 2 TYPE SHOOT You will need to create and edit a procedure (Proc 2).This will contain the following text- PRINT ("THREAT WARNING",13) Now as you approach the helicopter it will fire at you and a Threat Warning text will display in front of you.You can change all previous shooting objects sensors to include the PROC 2 command in them. If you save the helicopter object as a group, you can then load it into several areas. You can also make the objects fade out, as mentioned in the previous tutorial, when you have shot them.